Monday, August 23, 2010

Yoga a Complete Health Solution

Now a days, word Yoga is famous in all around the world, there would be no one who is not familiar about the Yoga. Yoga is not only famous in the filed of spirituality, apart from this it has rapidly showed its power in the field of human health. Until now many people use traditional, Allopathic system for curing themselves, but after the emergence of Yoga as great medicine for healing without having any side effects, which would happens in allopathic system, people having a great faith in it.

Yoga Asanas or Yoga Poses are simple to do but effective body movements, these body movements / yogic exercises massage the muscles, which lubricates the joints and tone your whole body. These yogic exercises help to keep the body healthy and mind peaceful. The asanas increases flexibility and strengthen the body, it also increases immune system.

Some important points to be keep in mind before starting Yoga Practices (Asana and Pranayama):

1. Yoga should be practiced empty stomach. In case you had food, wait for atleast 3 hours before practicing.

2. Relax for 10 seconds atleast after each yoga expercise. Do not exert.

3. Wear loose and comfortable clothes for practicing yoga.

4. Do not practice yoga on bare ground, use thin yoga mat or thick bed sheet for Yoga.

5. Woman should not practice yoga during menstruation.

Matsya Aasana (Fish Pose)

In Sanskrit Matsya means Fish, a Fish Posture. In this posture our lungs fills with air and improves the ability to float in water. One can easily swim in water while doing this pose.

This Aasana can be done in two ways, one is by doing Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and second method is laying down on the ground, this method is easier rather than lotus pose. This second method can be done by any person easily. First

First Method Steps :

1. Sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose).
2. Now with the help of elbows lay down on your back.
3. Lift up Head and Neck and bend the head towards ground, so in this  way your head (crown) will only touch the floor.
4. Now touch the toes and hold it with index and thumb.
5. Remain in this position for 5-10 seconds.
6. While at the time of returning first, release the toes and slowly straighten the head.
7. Now with the help of palms and elbows come upward and sit straight, in Padmasana (Lotus Posture).

Second Method Steps:

1. Lay Down on the ground on your back.
2. Now with the help of hands and palms lift up the head, so that it touches ground.
3. Stay in this pose for few seconds (5-10 seconds).
4. Now slowly lift up head and straighten it.
5. Relax in Shavasana.

Benefits of Matsya Asana

  • Stretches the deep hip flexors and the muscles (intercostals) between the ribs. 
  • Stretches and stimulates the muscles of the belly and front of the neck.  
  • Stretches and stimulates the organs of the belly and throat.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the upper back and back of the neck.  
  • Doing this asana expand your chest, apart from this capacity of lungs increases and it makes breathing easier for asthma patients.  

Makara Asana (Crocodile Pose)

Makara Asana means Crocodile Pose, in Sanskrit Makara means Crocodile. When some one practice this posture, its pose looks like crocodile. Practicing this Asana increases heat of body.

Steps of Makara Asana :

1. Lie on the ground in the prone position, your hands touches thighs.

2. Now spread out both legs, toes should remain outside while heels remain inside.
3. Now slowly fold the left hand at elbow bringing it from below the armpit and place it in the right shoulder, now fold the right hand at the elbow and place it on the left shoulder. You can change this in either way also.
4. Keep your head in this triangle made from both elbows. If it is difficult to rest the head, one may keep chin between the elbows.

Benefits of Makarasana :

  • This Asana is beneficial in Asthama.
  • Abdominal muscles get automatic massage while practicing Makarasana.
  • Makarsana is beneficial to the digestive system.
  • The asana helps keep control over high blood pressure.

Pawan Muktasana (Wind Releasing Pose)

The Sanskrit word Pawan means Wind / Air, and Mukta means Release. By performing this Pose one can get oneself free from trapped gas problem.

Steps to do :

1. Lie flat on back in Shavasana pose.
2. Inhale and bend the right knee and pull it to chest with the help of both hands while interlocking them. In this course your left knee should be straight on ground.
3. Draw the head towards the knee and your nose should touch knee.
4. Remain in this position for 15-20 seconds, while breathing should be in calm manner.
5. Now exhale and slowly straighten the leg and head back on the floor as in earlier position of Shavasana.

Repeat this process by left leg.

Benefits of Pawan Muktasana :
  • Those women who suffers from abnormal displacement of the uterus and other utero-genital dysfunctions will benefit.
  •  By practising this pose, digestion remains good, it is also good in gastric problem.

Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)

Vajrasana is also known as the Diamond Pose. The term Vajrasana is derived from two Sanskrit words Vajra means thunderbolt and Asana means pose. This asana is also beneficial if performed at the time of meditation and Pranayama.

Steps for Vajrasana :

1. Bend the legs backwards and sit with the help of your knees.
2. Stretch the legs towards the back and both toes should touch each other.
3. Keep the heels apart and let buttocks rest on heels, or let them lie in between the heels.
4. The waist neck and spine should be in a straight line. Rest both your hands on the knees and keep the elbows straight.
5. Look towards front, breathe normally.

Benefits of Vajrasana :
  •  Those having gas problems should perform this asana, immediately after a meal.
  • It provides relief from sciatic pain.
  • The benefit of Vajrasana done for 5-7 minutes is equivalent to a long walking exercise. Also, the diamond pose (Vajrasana) is very beneficial in curing the problem of varicose veins.
  • This pose give longevity and strengthens the spine.  


In Sanskrit Sarwanga means "Whole body", therefore sarwangasana means whole body posture. It provide benefits to entire body.

Steps for Sarwangasana :

1. Lie flat on the back in Shava-Asana pose.
2. Inhale slowly and liftup legs from ground in 90 degree.
3. Now lift torso with the help of hands and your whole body will come in straight posture.
4. Stay in this position for 15-20 sec., breathing will be regular.
5. Exhale slowly and bring down the torso and then legs.
6. Take rest for few sec. in Shava-Asana. Repeat Sarwangasana about 3-4 times.

Benefits of Sarwangasana :
  • It helps in keeping Liver and Kidneys function better.
  • Diseases like Hernia, Piles and Urinary problems can be cured.
  • The spinal cord becomes suppler and flexible.
  • Sarwanga-Asana boosts the functioning of the vocal cords and the throat vessels.

Padmasana (Lotus Posture)

The Padmasana comes in basic yogic exercises, and can be done by any person. This Asana is normally used to do Pranayama (Breathing Exercises), Meditation, and Other Hand Postures (Mudras).

Steps for Padmasana :

1. Sit on the ground and open your legs.
2. Now put left leg on right thigh and right leg on left thigh, or you can do change also means first put right leg on left thigh and then left leg on right thigh.
3. Put your hands on the knee in Gnana Mudra, you can also close your eyes.
4. Your chest, neck and head must be in a line.
5. Stay in this position for 1-3 minutes (Starting time), later on you can continue upto 15 minutes easily.

Benefits of Padmasana :

  • This pose is suitable for practicing Meditation and Concentration.
  • It stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder and stretches the ankles and knees.
  • This pose keeps the spine erect.
  • Produces the flexibility of the spinal column. 
  • Padmasana destroys all disease and awakens Kundalini Energy ( one's dormant spiritual energy).


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